The works of Benjamin Böhm
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Cat in the bag
Flea Market Multiples
Fluxus Zeit Puzzle
Geld wie Heu
Le plus beau corps du monde
Needle in the haystack
Original and copy
Seven days of Bild

Fluxus Zeit Puzzle

Fluxus Zeit Puzzle - 1.edition

In 1997, Böhm went to the exhibition "Art Games - Die Schachteln der Fluxus-Künstler (The boxes of the Fluxus artists)" in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. This first encounter with fluxus and multiples left a great impression on him. He later describes it as "Love at first sight".
The multiple originating from this, Fluxus Zeit Puzzle - Die neunziger Jahre (Fluxus time construction kit - the nineties) (1.edition: 42) contains a cross-section of an issue of the lifestyle magazine MAX. The text on the back of the box reads Assemble the pieces and get a decade.

Fluxus Zeit Puzzle - 1.edition    
Fluxus Zeit Puzzle in MAX February 1998 In February 1998 a photo (by Frank Evers) of the Zeit Puzzle appears in MAX.
The accompanying text is Mini-Puzzle: Benj. from Tübingen can easily fit the nineties into two matchboxes. He cut up Max-pages und made two "Fluxus"-Puzzles out of them.
(Benj. is Böhm's signature. Each box is signed and numbered.) Böhm used this issue of Max for a second German edition (42 copies).
Fluxus Zeit Puzzle in MAX February 1998    
In 1998 three further editions of the Zeit Puzzle-Multiples come out: a Canadian edition (25 copies) thanks to jas w felter/fivecinq, an Italian edition (36 copies) with the assistance of Markus Wacker and a Portuguese edition (25 copies) with the help of C. Klein. The backs of the Portuguese matchboxes are stamped.
Each box is signed and numbered.
Italian edition Portoguese edition (front) Portoguese edition (back)
Italian edition   Portoguese edition (front)   Portoguese edition (back)
Encouraged by an e-mail from the Fluxusartist Dick Higgins, Böhm creates a model of the Present Box in 1999. It contains a copy of the German Zeit-Puzzle. Böhm sent it to the Edition Hundertmark asking them to publish an edition, but without success.
Present box    
Display For the Exhibition at the Hauptbahnhof, Böhm made four displays for the four different country-editions.
Zeit-Puzzle elephant The elephant, which is stamped on several of Böhm's works, carries a large box with the label Fluxus Zeit Puzzle on it.
Zeit-Puzzle elephant    




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